Converting from older versions of Kith and Kin
Using Kith and KinPro with TreeDraw
Tutorial - Using the Tree Area
Tutorial - Working with person and family data forms
Tutorial - Searching using queries
Tutorial - Adding extra fields to people and families
Tutorial - Starting your own family tree
Tutorial - Importing a GEDCOM file
Database maintenance
Changing the name of a database
Adding and maintaining user-defined fields
Data maintenance
Adding and maintaining aliases
Adding and maintaining sources
Adding and maintaining source documents
Adding and maintaining source document repositories
Re-using an old person or family code
Searching / querying
Displaying a relationship between two people
Searching for date errors / inconsistencies
Searching for events on a particular day
Searching for people who are not on the Tree Area
Selecting families using the mouse
Selecting families by relationship
Closing all open forms at once
Choosing the selection's layer
Removing families from a layer
Creating a new layer from selection
Turning the Tree Area on and off
Turning the Button Bar on and off
Turning the Status Bar on and off
Turning the Tree Area Control on and off
Printing an indented descendant tree
Printing a missing data report
Printing source document details
Printing document repository details
Previewing a report on the screen
Copying printed pages to the clipboard
Importing / exporting
Exporting data to a delimited text file
Importing a text file into notes
Exporting a text file from notes
Exporting a report to a PDF file
Setting current database options
Choosing a family to move to when the tree is opened
Choosing the current database language
Setting regional / language options
Selecting / defining a database name
One of the major advantages of the Internet for family history researchers has been the opportunity to post your own genealogy information onto the Web so that it is instantly available to people all over the world.
Kith and Kin Pro designs and produces your own Web pages and packs them into files ready for uploading to your Web site. All you have to provide is a link from your homepage to the genealogy start page which the program has produced. The start page is always called GENSTART.HTM. Most Web page publishing programs will let you add a link to this page easily. If you write your own Web pages using a text editor, a typical link to the genealogy start page might look like this:
<a href="genstart.htm">My Family Tree</a>
Some of the Web pages produced by Kith and Kin Pro include a surname index. The alphabetic order of surnames is defined by the alphabet in the currently loaded regional file. For non-English Western European languages, you can select or define your own alphabet, eg. the Swedish alphabet is ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÅÄÖ
You can view the Web pages on your computer before you upload them by using your Web browser program. For example in Microsoft Internet Explorer use "File | Open" from the main menu and browse to the GENSTART.HTM file.
The following options are available for exporting Web pages.
Set this option to export all people and families from the current family tree database.
Export only the currently highlighted families and the people who appear in them by setting this option.
Enter a "From" and "To" family code. All families with codes between these values and their related people will be exported.
Web page appearance:
Start page title:
Enter the text which will appear as a title on the genealogy start page.
Start page notes:
Enter any additional notes which should appear on the genealogy start page.
Optionally, enter your e-mail address. This will appear on the genealogy start page and visitors to your Web site will be able to click on the address to send e-mail direct to you.
Global header:
Optionally, enter text that you want to appear at the top of every Web page. This can include HTML code if you wish.
Global footer:
Optionally, enter text that you want to appear at the bottom of every Web page. This can include HTML code if you wish.
Global header/footer on start page:
If you have entered global header or footer text, the text will appear on every Web page except the genealogy start page. Select this option to include the header/footer text on the genealogy start page as well.
Return icon return.gif:
"Return.gif" is a graphic file which will be used as the "return to start" icon at the foot of every Web page. Kith and Kin Pro is supplied with several suitable icons in the "Web Source" folder or you can provide your own graphic. Copy the graphic file you want to use into the "\no_erase" folder and rename it to "return.gif" (see Customising Web pages). If you do not want to include a return icon simply clear this option.
Online URL:
Only required if you are also exporting a Tree Layout PDF file as part of the Web pages. You must provide here the absolute URL of the folder where the Web pages will be stored online. For example, if you are uploading the exported Web pages to your own website where the URL of the start page is, you should enter the URL The online URL must begin with either http:// or https://.
Include pictures:
Any pictures associated with people or families will be included if they have their "Include image in printouts" option set. Pictures for Web pages are saved as JPEG files to save space, unless they contain any transparency. If a picture file contains any transparency (usually a GIF or PNG) then the picture is stored as a PNG file for Web output to preserve the transparency.
Link to big pictures:
Use this option to include the full-sized pictures on the Web. Visitors to your site can click on the thumbnail images in the family tree data to view the full-sized pictures.
Include gallery page:
Kith and Kin Pro can automatically produce a picture gallery page containing copies of all the pictures used elsewhere in the family tree data. A link to the gallery page is included in GENSTART.HTM. The "Link to big pictures" option will affect the gallery page as well.
Thumbnails size (pixels):
The maximum height or width of picture thumbnails.
Thumbnails across:
The maximum number of picture thumbnails in a row across a Web page.
Max big picture size (pixels):
The maximum height or width of full-sized pictures.
JPEG quality:
You can choose the JPEG picture quality (ie. the inverse of the amount of compression). Higher quality pictures create larger files; 50% is usually a good compromise.
P/F codes:
Include the person and family codes in the Web pages.
Include person and family dates, birth, marriage, etc.
Include places associated with person and family dates, eg. Death place.
User fields:
Include any user-defined fields for people and families. Some data may be excluded by the privacy level setting.
The program will put "{M}" after male names and "{F}" after female names.
Include aliases. If set, this option also puts each alias into the surname index so that you can find the person using any of their names.
Set this option if you want person and family notes included in the Web pages. Some data may be excluded by the privacy level setting.
Set this option if you want source references, source documents and source repositories included in the Web pages. Only documents and repositories which are referenced by the exported people/families will be included.
Child surnames:
Include surnames for children on their family page. Normally this is not required since the surnames can be assumed to be the same as the father's.
Details in index:
Set this option to include dates and places (if the "Places" option is set) in the surname list.
Tree Layout PDF:
Set this option to include a PDF file similar to the Tree Area display on the screen. The PDF file will open in the user's browser and clicking on a family rectangle will navigate to the appropriate family details page. Due to limitations in the Adobe PDF Reader, this feature only works with Web pages you have uploaded to the Internet. See also: "Online URL".
Set this option to include a timeline similar to the one in the Timeline window. Events from the default timeline will be included if the "Historical events" option is set in the Customise timeline dialog.
Indicate probable:
Include the word "Probable" for probable links.
Privacy level
Set the cutoff privacy level for notes and user-defined fields. Notes and fields with a privacy level above the one you set here will be ignored. For example, enter level 2 to include notes/fields with privacy levels 0, 1 and 2. A level 3 or 4 note or field would be excluded.
Keep births private:
Set this option to exclude birth/christening dates of people who are still alive, ie. their "Dead" flag is set to false.
Hide living people:
Set this option to exclude all data from people who are still alive, ie. their "Dead" flag is set to false. Their names will be replaced with: "(Living person hidden)".
Create Web files in this folder:
You must select a folder on your hard drive where Kith and Kin Pro will create all the Web page files. If the folder does not exist the program will create it. Click on the Browse button to select or create an appropriate folder.
Clear folder before exporting:
If you are re-building your Web pages it is normal to have any existing files deleted from the output folder before the new ones are created. That way you know that all the files in the output folder are new and must be uploaded. If you want to simply overwrite the existing files and leave any other files intact, turn this option off.
Note that the special output folder "no_erase" will not be deleted by this function. This folder contains the icons and CSS stylesheet for your Web pages and you may wish to customise them. This allows you to re-export the Web pages to the same folder without losing any changes you may have made to the stylesheet.
Create index.htm pages in subfolders:
Select this option to have Kith and Kin Pro automatically add to each output subfolder a simple index.htm file which redirects visitors to your GENSTART.HTM page. This is a security feature which prevents visitors from inadvertantly seeing all the files in the subfolder.
The index.htm file is copied from the "Web source" folder and contains:
"Page invalid" - Please click here to go to the genealogy page.
Copyright © SpanSoft 1998-2019. All rights reserved.
Download genealogy software with free 30-day trial. Free to try software is for genealogy and family history. Import GEDCOM files and print genealogy charts using our free to try family history program. Download our free to try family tree program. Free 30-day trial family history program. Historians can download genealogy database program which is free-to-try. Download genealogy program to store your family tree, there is a free trial. Download genealogy software. You can download free trial versions of our family tree software to store your family history. To store family history, download genealogy software. Download family history software which is free to try and is used for genealogy. Store your family tree in our genealogy software database. Store family trees using our free to try family tree program. Download genealogy program which is free to try. Download genealogy software for family history. Why not download genealogy software for your ancestors history. It's free for 30 days. We specialize in free to try genealogy software available for download. Here users can download family tree software for historians. Download genealogy software for family history research. Our database program is good for family history research.