Kith and Kin Pro manual

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Kith and Kin Pro

Getting started

Introducing Kith and Kin Pro

Converting from older versions of Kith and Kin

Using Kith and KinPro with TreeDraw


Tutorial - Using the Tree Area

Tutorial - Working with person and family data forms

Tutorial - Simple searching

Tutorial - Searching using queries

Tutorial - Printing

Tutorial - Adding extra fields to people and families

Tutorial - Starting your own family tree

Tutorial - Importing a GEDCOM file


Database maintenance

Starting a new database

Creating a clean database

Opening an existing database

Saving a database

Merging two databases

Copying a database

Copying part of a database

Changing the name of a database

Packing a database

Repairing a database

Clearing a database

Deleting a database

Adding and maintaining user-defined fields

Backing-up your data

Restoring data from a backup

Data maintenance

Adding a new family

Adding a new person

Editing an existing family

Editing an existing person

Marking probable links

Adding and maintaining aliases

Editing notes

Organising notes

Entering dates

Working with pictures

Working with objects

Adding and maintaining sources

Deleting a family

Deleting a person

Adding and maintaining source documents

Adding and maintaining source document repositories

Updating descriptions

Re-using an old person or family code

Updating death flags

Removing duplicate records

Editing data in bulk

Searching / querying

Searching for people

Seaching for families

Searching for sources

Using a query to find data

Calculating ages

Calculating phonetic codes

Displaying statistics

Displaying a relationship between two people

Searching for date errors / inconsistencies

Searching for events on a particular day

Searching for people who are not on the Tree Area

Displaying modified records


Moving around the Tree Area

Zooming in and out

Moving to a specific family

Selecting families using the mouse

Selecting families by relationship

Selecting all families

Moving families

Displaying a family summary

Arranging the open forms

Closing all open forms at once

Aligning families vertically

Using the Timeline Window

Choosing layers

Choosing the selection's layer

Choosing all layers

Moving families to a layer

Removing families from a layer

Creating a new layer from selection

Managing layers

Choosing fonts and colours

Turning the Tree Area on and off

Turning the Button Bar on and off

Turning the Status Bar on and off

Turning the Tree Area Control on and off


Using the report control form

Printing the tree layout

Printing family details

Printing person details

Printing indices

Printing a descendant tree

Printing an ancestral tree

Printing an indented descendant tree

Printing a missing data report

Printing a timeline

Printing a census report

Printing source document details

Printing document repository details

Setting printer options

Setting page options

Previewing a report on the screen

Printing from a preview

Printing to text files

Copying printed pages to the clipboard

Importing / exporting

Importing a GEDCOM file

Exporting a GEDCOM file

Exporting Web pages

Customising Web pages

Exporting data to a delimited text file

Importing a text file into notes

Exporting a text file from notes

Exporting a report to a PDF file


Setting preferences

Editing the timeline

Customising the button bar

Setting date options

Converting dates

Setting options

Setting current database options

Choosing a family to move to when the tree is opened

Choosing the current database language

Setting regional / language options

Setting picture options

Exiting from the program

Checking for program updates


File menu

Edit menu

Search menu

View menu

Layers menu

Tools menu

Window menu

Options menu

Using the Tree Area Control

Selecting / defining a database name

Selecting a family

Selecting a person

Database fields

Additional LDS information

SQL syntax

Supported GEDCOM syntax

Timeline text file format

System requirements

Frequently asked questions

Version information

Terms of use






OLE embedding

OLE linking

OLE object


Tree Area

How to get support

How to contact us

Ordering / registration

SQL syntax

Here is a list of the most frequently used SQL clauses, operators and reserved words which apply to queries used in the Search Window. This is not a complete list but should be sufficient for any queries in Kith and Kin Pro. For a complete introduction to ANSI-standard SQL, see one of the many Web sites or third-party books.

Every SQL statement must begin with SELECT and then a list of field names or "*" for all field names. Field names can be qualified by being prefixed by the table name that they belong to and a dot, eg. People.Code, Families.Code.

A complete SQL statement has a SELECT line first followed by a FROM clause line and then any additional clause lines.


SELECTspecifies fields to include, eg. Surname, Birth date
FROMspecifies the tables to include, eg. People, Sources
WHEREspecifies the conditions used to include records
ORDER BYspecifies any fields used for sorting


Arithmetic+ - * /
Comparison< > = <> >= =<  IS NULL  IS NOT NULL
String% (wild card)  _ (character replacement)

Reserved words

UPPER()forces string to upper case
LOWER()forces string to lower case
LIKEnon-exact string matches
IN()single value from list
JDATE()converts a date into a julian date - must be used for date comparisons


Selects all the fields and all the records from the People table.

Selects only the "Description" and "Birth date" fields but all the records from the People table.

Selects only the "Description" and "Birth date" fields but all the records from the People table. These records are then sorted by "Birth date"

Selects only the "Description" and "Birth date" fields from the People table. Only records which have an entry in "Birth date" are selected. These records are then sorted by "Birth date"

Selects only the "Description" and "Birth date" fields from the People table. Only records which have a "Birth date" on or after 1 JAN 1900 are selected. The "Description" field is given the heading "Person" in the results list. The "JDATE" function converts a date string to a julian date so that it can be compared with the "Birth date" field. "JDATE" uses the input date format set in Preferences.

Selects the "Firstnames" field from the Person table. Only records which have "fred" in the "Firstnames" filed are selected, eg "Fred", "Alfred". The "LOWER" function forces each string to lower case thus making the comparison case-insensitive. The "LIKE" function allows you to do partial matches on strings; the "%"s indicate that it does not matter what text is before or after "fred".

Selects only the "Description" and "Male" fields from the People table. Only records which have something in the "Surname" field and "Male" is true are selected. Note that fields can appear in the "WHERE" clause which are not in the "SELECT" line. This statement uses "AND" to select only records which match both "Surname <> ''" and "Male = True".

Selects only the "Description" and "Birth date" fields from the People table. Only records which have people who were not born in the 1800s are selected. This statement uses "OR" to select any records which match either "Birth date < JDATE('? ? 1800')" or "Birth date > JDATE('31 Dec 1899')".

Selects only the "Description" field from the People table. Only records which have "Code"s of 18 or 20 are selected, ie. only person [P18] and person [P20].

This statement finds all the people who have pictures. Selects only the "Description" fields from both the Pictures table and the People table and joins the records together. Each row in the results list contains the person's description and the corresponding picture description. The ORDER BY clause makes sure that the pictures for a particular person are grouped together. Note that the tables have been given different names ("Prs" and "Pic") as have the "Description" fields ("Person" and "Picture"). The WHERE clause joins the tables together using Pic.RecordCode = Prs.Code. The RecordType = 'P' condition ensures that no 'F' (family) pictures are mistakenly assigned to people.

Note that using upper-case for reserved words and lower-case for field names is merely a convention used to improve readability.

See also

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