Converting from older versions of Kith and Kin
Using Kith and KinPro with TreeDraw
Tutorial - Using the Tree Area
Tutorial - Working with person and family data forms
Tutorial - Searching using queries
Tutorial - Adding extra fields to people and families
Tutorial - Starting your own family tree
Tutorial - Importing a GEDCOM file
Database maintenance
Changing the name of a database
Adding and maintaining user-defined fields
Data maintenance
Adding and maintaining aliases
Adding and maintaining sources
Adding and maintaining source documents
Adding and maintaining source document repositories
Re-using an old person or family code
Searching / querying
Displaying a relationship between two people
Searching for date errors / inconsistencies
Searching for events on a particular day
Searching for people who are not on the Tree Area
Selecting families using the mouse
Selecting families by relationship
Closing all open forms at once
Choosing the selection's layer
Removing families from a layer
Creating a new layer from selection
Turning the Tree Area on and off
Turning the Button Bar on and off
Turning the Status Bar on and off
Turning the Tree Area Control on and off
Printing an indented descendant tree
Printing a missing data report
Printing source document details
Printing document repository details
Previewing a report on the screen
Copying printed pages to the clipboard
Importing / exporting
Exporting data to a delimited text file
Importing a text file into notes
Exporting a text file from notes
Exporting a report to a PDF file
Setting current database options
Choosing a family to move to when the tree is opened
Choosing the current database language
Setting regional / language options
Selecting / defining a database name
Exports the selected report as an Adobe PDF file which can be viewed by anyone using the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Free copies of the Acrobat Reader can be downloaded from the Adobe Web site at
Kith and Kin Pro produces PDF V1.2 files which require Acrobat V3 or later.
You will be asked for a file name to export the report to. Select the folder if necessary and enter a file name. The file will automatically be given a .pdf extension if the file type is set to "Adobe PDF files". Click on "Save".
A second dialog will open where you can select options specific to PDF files.
These entries will be embedded in the PDF file and can be viewed by using "File | Document Properties | Summary" in the Acrobat Reader.
Compression - determines the final size of the PDF file by using different methods for compressing the file.
Encode binary - converts the text to binary instead of ASCII.
Show mode - determines how the PDF file will first be displayed when opened in Acrobat.
Fonts mode - the following settings are available.
Use TrueType Fonts : uses TrueType fonts but does not embed the font data in the PDF file.
Embed TrueType Fonts : embed data of all used fonts. Ensures that text displays correctly in the reader even if the fonts do not exist on the reader's PC but makes the PDF file large.
Embed only Symbol TrueType Fonts : embed only symbol true type fonts. (eg. WingDings, etc)
Use 14 Base Type1 Fonts : Do not use true type. When this mode is selected you can only use Arial, Courier New and Times New Roman fonts.
TTF Subsets: only used codepages : will embed all the characters which are used in the codepage (character set) you selected.
TTF Subsets: only used chars : includes only the characters which have been used and so produces the smallest files.
Create page thumbnails - creates thumbnails for each page of the PDF file. Note that Acrobat V5 or later automatically creates thumbnails if none are present anyway so this option is really for backwards compatibility.
Launch Acrobat Reader - automatically opens the new PDF file in the Acrobat Reader. You must have the reader installed for this to work.
Encrypt PDF file - set this option to make the PDF file secure using the following settings.
Owner password - password required to edit the PDF file. If left blank a random password will be allocated.
User password - password required to read the PDF file. If left blank no password is required but you can still restrict printing/copying/changing below.
Use 128 bit security - 128 bit security is better but slower.
Enable printing - allows the reader to print the PDF file.
Enable copying - allows the reader to copy text from the PDF file.
Enable change - allows the reader to change the PDF file.
Copyright © SpanSoft 1998-2019. All rights reserved.
Download genealogy software with free 30-day trial. Free to try software is for genealogy and family history. Import GEDCOM files and print genealogy charts using our free to try family history program. Download our free to try family tree program. Free 30-day trial family history program. Historians can download genealogy database program which is free-to-try. Download genealogy program to store your family tree, there is a free trial. Download genealogy software. You can download free trial versions of our family tree software to store your family history. To store family history, download genealogy software. Download family history software which is free to try and is used for genealogy. Store your family tree in our genealogy software database. Store family trees using our free to try family tree program. Download genealogy program which is free to try. Download genealogy software for family history. Why not download genealogy software for your ancestors history. It's free for 30 days. We specialize in free to try genealogy software available for download. Here users can download family tree software for historians. Download genealogy software for family history research. Our database program is good for family history research.