Converting from older versions of Kith and Kin
Using Kith and KinPro with TreeDraw
Tutorial - Using the Tree Area
Tutorial - Working with person and family data forms
Tutorial - Searching using queries
Tutorial - Adding extra fields to people and families
Tutorial - Starting your own family tree
Tutorial - Importing a GEDCOM file
Database maintenance
Changing the name of a database
Adding and maintaining user-defined fields
Data maintenance
Adding and maintaining aliases
Adding and maintaining sources
Adding and maintaining source documents
Adding and maintaining source document repositories
Re-using an old person or family code
Searching / querying
Displaying a relationship between two people
Searching for date errors / inconsistencies
Searching for events on a particular day
Searching for people who are not on the Tree Area
Selecting families using the mouse
Selecting families by relationship
Closing all open forms at once
Choosing the selection's layer
Removing families from a layer
Creating a new layer from selection
Turning the Tree Area on and off
Turning the Button Bar on and off
Turning the Status Bar on and off
Turning the Tree Area Control on and off
Printing an indented descendant tree
Printing a missing data report
Printing source document details
Printing document repository details
Previewing a report on the screen
Copying printed pages to the clipboard
Importing / exporting
Exporting data to a delimited text file
Importing a text file into notes
Exporting a text file from notes
Exporting a report to a PDF file
Setting current database options
Choosing a family to move to when the tree is opened
Choosing the current database language
Setting regional / language options
Selecting / defining a database name
The person data form allows you manage all the data for a particular person. You can edit person details such as birth date and any user-defined fields which you have assigned to people. You can add links to the families where this person appears; the family where he is a child and marriages.
When you make any changes to the data, the data form will become highlighted using the "Dialog editing indicator" colour. This indicates that the data is currently being edited and has not yet been saved to the database. Click on the Update button to save the new data to the database, or the Undo button to cancel any changes made. When you update a person's data the "Last updated" date is set to today and the "Record changed" flag is set. You can view a list of all the records which have been modified by using "Tools | Records modified".
Click on the Delete button to delete the entire person and close the form.
Click on the Close button to close the form. You can have as many open data form as you wish and can switch between them at will.
Using text edit fields:
To add or edit data in the "Surname", "Firstnames", "Birth", "Christening", "Death" , "Burial" or any user-defined field simply click the mouse on the field you want to change and start typing. Any date fields must have dates entered using the format defined in Preferences.
The "Surname" field can be set to convert all letters to upper-case. If you want to enter lower-case letters you must either turn off the option in Preferences or you can override the upper-case option by using the small Normal case button to the left of the "Surname" field (down indicates upper-case only). Upper-case is normally used for surnames to make it easier to identify the surname in reports.
To speed up entering the same names over and over, you can press F4 or right-click in a text edit field to display a pick-list of the last 20 entries made. Click on the required entry or use the down arrow key and press Return to enter the text into the current field. Press Escape to cancel the pick-list.
Set this flag to indicate that the person is dead. You can set or clear this flag irrespective of whether the person has any death or burial details. Kith and Kin Pro uses this flag to confirm that the person is dead; the existence of death/burial details does not affect this. You can choose whether new people should have this flag set or clear by default in Preferences.
A person can have more than one name. It's useful to record this so that you can search and index people by all their names, particularly women who changed their surnames when they got married.
To add an alias for this person click on the Alias button. This opens the Alias form.
It is possible to have the program automatically create an alias for a woman when she gets married. Set this option in Preferences.
Child of family:
To add or edit the family where this person appears as a child, right-click the mouse or press F2 in the "Child of family" field and choose the appropriate command from the pop-up menu. If a family already exists you can also edit it by double-clicking on the "Child of family" field. Use Add to create a new family which will have this person as a child, Identify to link to a family which already exists, Edit to edit the data for an family and Remove to remove the link (this does not delete the family).
If the family is not on the current layer this field will be coloured orange and certain functions will be disabled in the popup menu. To enable all the normal functions, right-click and use Switch to layer. This will change the current layer to the same layer as the "Child of family".
To add a new marriage to the person, right-click the mouse or press F2 in the "Marriages list" field and choose the appropriate command from the pop-up menu. Use Add to create a new family who will have this person as a parent and Identify to link to a family which already exists.
To edit or remove a marriage from the list, click on the family to highlight it and then right-click the mouse to bring up the pop-up menu. Use Edit to edit the data for the marriage and Remove to remove the link (this does not delete the family).
You can also edit a marriage by double-clicking on it in the "Marriages list".
If a family in the Marriages List is not on the current layer it will be coloured orange and certain functions will be disabled in the popup menu. To enable all the normal functions, select the marriage, right-click and use Switch to layer. This will change the current layer to the same layer as the selected marriage.
Marriages can be automatically sorted by marriage date if this option is set in Preferences. Sometimes it is necessary to sort a list of marriages manually (particularly if some have no dates). To do this the auto-sort option in Preferences must be off or you can override the auto-sort option by using the small Manual sort button at the bottom-left corner of the "Marriages list" (down indicates Auto-sort). Now you can re-arrange the marriages simply by dragging a marriage in the list to its new position. A curved arrow on the left side of the list indicates the position the marriage will take when you drop it. When you click on the Update button, the order of the marriages is fixed until the next time you click on the Update button for this person.
You can have more than one note for each person and you can give each one a description to help you find it. The descriptions can be used in reports if you wish.
You can also give each note a privacy level code which allows you to keep some notes private, the lower the code, the less private the note is. For example you may have notes which you always want published in reports, GEDCOM files and Web pages; so you would give them a privacy level of 0. Other notes might be for your own private use such as reminders about the status of your research and you would give these a higher privacy level. When you come to publish the data, you can decide what level of notes to include.
The use of privacy level codes should be consistent throughout the database.
To add a new note click on the New note button and start typing in the notes field. When you make any changes to the notes data, the notes part of the data form will become highlighted using the "Dialog editing indicator" colour. This indicates that the notes data is currently being edited and has not yet been saved to the database. Click on the Accept edit button to save the new data to the database, or the Cancel edit button to cancel any changes made.
For larger notes, you can open the Notes Editor which has additional editing functions, by clicking on the Edit notes button or double-clicking in the notes field.
If you have more than one note, use the Previous note and Next note buttons to scroll through them. It does not matter in which order you enter separate notes, you can change their order later by using the "Organise notes" button.
Use the Delete note button to delete the currently displayed note.
Displays the layers (if any) which this person appears on. You can right-click on a layer name to switch to that layer.
To make a record of where you found the information which you are recording in the data form, click on an appropriate source button. For example, if you want a source record for the "Birth date", click on the source button to the right of the Birth details. User-defined fields share a single source button and you must select the appropriate user-defined field before clicking on the source button. Source buttons display a grey page icon when there are no sources stored and a yellow page icon when there are. This displays the Sources form where you can store information about the source document and repository. You can have more than one source for each data field.
You can store pictures with a person's data and these can be used in some reports and on Web pages. Click on the Pictures button to open the Pictures form. The Pictures button displays a black icon when there are no pictures stored and a coloured icon when there are.
You can store OLE objects with a person's data. Objects are generally multi-media items such as sound or video clips which have been copied from another application and are not used in output. Click on the Objects button to open the Objects form. The Objects button displays a black icon when there are no objects stored and a coloured icon when there are.
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